7 Things Women Do When They Have Feelings for You

It’s necessary to ascertain how a woman feels about you, to be sure that the feeling is mutual. There’s no better way to know how a woman feels about you than to observe the things that she does, her feelings towards you will reflect in her actions. Women enjoy communicating their feelings through cues, and that explains why their actions usually speak for them, they prefer to hide their opinions in emotional cues, so you would need to be very observant, so as not to miss the cues.

Below are seven things that women do when they have feelings for you.

1.      She Looks at You Longer Than Usual

A Psychologist, Dr. Jeremy Nicholson made a comment about a woman’s gaze when she has feelings for you, he said, “you will learn a lot from the way a woman looks at you. For instance, if the woman looks at you a little longer than usual, the chances are that she considers you more than a friend or a colleague.”

Have you ever looked at a woman and she immediately shifted her gaze away from you? this is a sign of admiration. When a woman has feelings for you, she’ll always want to check you out, she would want to find the specific reason why she’s attracted to you.

2.      She Finds Every Opportunity to Touch You

When a woman has feelings for you, she will frequently reach out to touch your hands, shoulders, and sometimes even your face. For women, body language is very important, they seek comfort through touch, so when a woman is touching you, she’s trying to confirm if she’ll feel comfortable with you.

3.      She Loves Being Close to You

Another thing women do when they have feelings for you is being close to you most of the time. As an attempt to get to know you better, a woman that have feelings for you will schedule her movement in such a way that she’s always in your immediate environment. It would almost feel like she’s stalking you, but she’s only trying to understand you, to know the kind of a person you are.

4.      She Mimics Your Body Language

It was recorded in the journal of Nonverbal behaviour that, “people mimic the behavior of those they are attracted to. Pay attention to her body language.” This was described as interactional symmetry, and it explains that when we love someone, we try to adjust our body language to mimic theirs. So, when a woman has feelings for you, she’ll start mimicking your body language, she would want to talk the same way you do, adjust her sitting position to fit yours, etc.

5.      She Laughs at Your Jokes

Several researches have shown that women want to be with a man that can make them laugh. When a woman has feelings for you, she’ll laugh at every little thing you do, she would laugh at your jokes even when they are not really funny, it’s just her way of enjoying every bit of every moment she spends with you.

6.      She’ll Ask You Personal Questions

Women enjoy it when a man opens up to them about personal matters, it makes them feel like you value and respect them. This explains why a woman will be asking you personal questions when she has feelings for you, she would want you to open up to her, to tell her some of your secrets, so as to strengthen the bond that you both share.

7.      She Compliments You a Lot

When a woman has feelings for you, she would want to give you enough confidence to approach her, and that explains why she would start giving you loads of compliments, just to boost your self-esteem. Giving you compliments consistently is a sign that she’s interested in you.

These and many more a woman does when she's in Love with you but not in all Cases as some Women does these things but have no Feelings attached...

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